Outreach Programs
Wasaga Artists enjoy giving back to the community in any creative way that we can. Here are a few highlights from some of the programs we have contributed to in the past.
Embers Outreach – January 2024

Waterside Outreach Oct. 2023

Embers Outreach April 2023

Seniors Wish Foundation
In November 2022, the Wasaga Artists created Christmas Cards and on March 7, 2023 created Easter Cards for the Wasaga Beach Branch of the Seniors Wish Foundation. The cards are delivered to seniors who are living alone and do not have families.

Wasaga Beach Brownies
In April of 2022, Wasaga Artists were invited to host a creative workshop for our local group of Brownies. We all worked together to paint butterflies, create handmade cards, and paint colourful rocks. One of our members and creative business owner, gave an artist talk about her journey as a working artist. All Brownie members earned badges during this event and enjoyed connecting with our experienced artists. Thank you for having us, we are happy to be back!

Library Door Project
In the Fall of 2019, some of our members worked together during our weekly meetings to paint an old door for the Wasaga Beach Library. Using Ann Marr’s original designs, we all worked together to paint each side with whimsical winter setting. This door, along with others, were on display for the winter of 2019/2020 for the families to play games and admire and maybe even feel inspired!

Wasaga Beach Brownies
Wasaga Artist’s OUTREACH PROGRAM enjoyed spending an evening assisting The Brownies to earn badges through creating art. Badges were earned for SURVIVAL IN NATURE & MAKING USEFUL ITEMS FROM NATURE & LEARNING ABOUT SELF IMAGE. Each little artist completed a painting of edible berries, painted rocks to be used as a paper weights & decorated grape vines to make Christmas Wreaths. They also created a personalized night light jar using twinkle lights and glass coloured beads to match their personalities. It was a fun night of art & crafting for both the Brownies and our committed members!

Waterside Retirement Home
Here are some of our members hosting a creative workshop at one of our local retirement homes. With some guidance, each artists was able to enjoy the process of working acrylic paints and a reference photo in order to create a piece of their own on canvas.

If you are an outreach program wishing to get creative, please get in touch with us! We would love to share our passion for the arts and help others feel inspired to find their inner artist.